By speechless - 01/06/2013 00:50 - United Kingdom - Wallasey

Today, at the supermarket, an old lady asked for directions to the produce aisle. Having read way too many stories lately on this very site about awful elderly folks, I was wary, but helped her out. She gave me an awkward hug in thanks, lifting my wallet in the process, as I later found out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 110
You deserved it 6 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's horrible... Society really is going downhill.

untouchable763 10


pwnman 33

OP, if she is going to die soon, keep an eye on your local newspaper of deaths. If you see her, attend her funeral, and tell everyone she stole your wallet! Then, what will happen next................?

ShinyArcanine 16

These stories are making me more and more suspicious of grandmas.

Epikouros 31

Lessons of FML: never help anybody under any circumstances, never brag, never drink alcohol, never ever have sex, go out on a date or get a girlfriend/boyfriend/whatever, let alone get married; sell your car, stay home from school (but mind you're grammer), kill your parents and siblings, and poke out your eyes before you see any old people naked.

I'm going to assume the "Mind you're grammer" thing was a joke, but if not, your* grammar*.

If you were wary shouldn't have let her hug you.

onorexveritas 23

That does suck, but I'm not sure why you would let a stranger hug you in the first place, even if it was an old lady. :/

you knew about those types of old people and still helped, you deserve it.

I explained this in an FML ages ago; old people are the seediest of people! They know all the tricks in the book, and they steal my slot machine winnings coin bucket if I turn my head for a second. And, they're hardcore BINGO players. If you ever feel like having a crowd of people "shush" you, go talk during Bingo. Or, you could just be me.