By heartbroken - 09/09/2013 07:19 - United States - Cupertino

Today, even after loving him unconditionally, my originally 340 pound morbidly obese husband, who within the past two years lost almost 200 pounds, left me because now, he "can do so much better". FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 702
You deserved it 4 525

Same thing different taste


Once he sees the world how it really is, and he actually has to put forth effort to get a girl, he'll be back. To which your response to that should be.. "Sorry, I can do so much better."

TheTinDog 4

My ex wife did the same thing... She spent thousands of my dollars getting dental work done and one of those bariatric surgeries to lose like 200 lbs... Then decided he could get a hotter guy and left

Someone should play match maker for the two ex's, they deserve each other. And they've already got way more in common than than the original marriages had...disloyal, shallow, self-centered, not to mention both covered in skin flaps and stretch marks.

Incredibly shitty thing to do to someone whose stuck by them through thick and thin. I'm sorry this happened to you op! But, major kudos to you for sticking by him through that, it definitely makes you an incredible person for doing so!

OP, believe in karma cause one day he's gonna get bitch slapped so hard. (maybe he'll let himself go again) You'll find someone who deserves you

That was a total dick move on his part. But think of it this way, now YOU can go out and find someone so much better. Keep your head up OP and don't look back. :)

Oh wow what a POS. YOU obviously deserve better dear. .. Good luck :/

Sounds like what I'm going through. It sucks, but if I can get through this, so can you! Karma is a bitch, and he will get what he deserves later and will most likely come crawling back.

perdix 29

If you could love a 340-lb guy, you are the rare commodity. For a plumpa humpa, there are plenty of whales in the sea. Gosh, if I could find obese women attractive, I could be a kept man!

imagineapc 11

My boyfriend slowly gained about 45-50 pounds over the 3 years we've been together. He was not near 340 at all, but I've loved him through it all. He recently lost 35 lbs, and is continuing to eat better and exercise...and I'm right there next to him at the gym!

perdix 29

#80, but, ya see? If you can love a guy who is 50 lbs overweight, you've opened up a huge market for yourself. There are a lot of fat, lonely guys out there who would love a girlfriend to accept them as they are. You'd have the upper hand, and that counts for something.

douche bags like him always come running back don't worry OP it's not your loss it's his.

You deserve better anyways OP, a man with that kind shitty personality is going to end up alone the rest of his life.