By badbride - 26/07/2011 17:11 - United States

Today, I accidentally slept in two hours later than I was supposed to. Today is my wedding day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 222
You deserved it 34 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Its okay, the bride is the only one allowed to be late to her wedding:)

Did you make it to your wedding on time at least?


Grats on your marriage at least! I hope you made it on time.

lorenzoman77 7

don't do your hair to make up the lost time:)

hair isnt really something you can "skip" on your wedding day... ya know because you kinda wanna look nice on the most important day of your life where all your friends and family will see you and where many pictures will be taken.... nice thought though ;)

leemurcat 5

Yup, wanna look pretty on your big day. Besides, I don't think that it would take two hours just to do her hair anyway...

dudeeee501 3

If anyone asks, just pass it off as being "fashionably late"

Tell then you consider "on time" to be when you get there.

Them* not then. See this is why I should proof-read.

hateevryone 14


your husband might not notice, there are those brides-mates.