By englishornah - 23/04/2015 02:53 - United States - Somerset

Today, I asked my classmate to look over my essay. His comments were longer than the essay itself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 415
You deserved it 5 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Personally, i appreciate constructive criticism even if i don't see things eye to eye with the editor. Who knows...your classmate might have some helpful suggestions that will get u that A :)

Was it a short essay, or did you just make a lot of mistakes? Either way, that's probably not good.


Don't feel too bad. I tend to always put a lot of detail in all of my writing. If everyone does it to you though then you may be behind in the subject though

The more constructive criticism on your paper, the more likely you'll get an A.

Back to the drawing board. ? Depending on the individual, you can either take their advice with a grain of salt OR listen to whatever insight they may have to offer you. Expecting little to no feedback on a rough draft is not helpful. Try to look on the bright side of it.