By FMeeee - 16/06/2014 18:50 - Portugal - Aveiro

Today, I decided to tell my family, including my husband, that I'm pregnant. Their reaction was basically a "meh" before returning to watching the World Cup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 436
You deserved it 9 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Superwholock86 6

Probably not the best timing.

Looks like your husband scored the first goal.


martin8337 35

Timing is everything. Congratulations all the same.

blurider17 11

Come on! Its the world cup!!!

Only happens every 4 years. You can pop them out every 9 months. Therefore the World Cup Is priority number one.

Have you porked out so many kids that telling someone, even your hubby that it's as exciting as a wet fart in church?

I think you should've waited until the game was over. I'm a woman, but I still would've been way more concerned with the game. As a matter of fact, I WAS more concerned with the game when it was on.

For some people that's just one of those things that doesn't quite hit you till the last minute.

Congratulations, OP. When the game is over/TV is off they'll come around. Still sucky for you though. Tell a friend who doesn't like soccer. Sure they'll be ecstatic!