By brentkd - 20/07/2010 16:34 - United States

Today, I found my lost iPhone earbuds. In the cat litter box. I am 100% sure that they passed through my cat to get there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 654
You deserved it 4 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

That's shitty. Hey, at least Apple makes some solid headphones!

"hey, i can hear the ocean in my earbuds! no. wait. that's just my cat's digestive system."


I_have_no_clue 0

Meow Mix, Meow Mix please deliver....

Replace that crap with Sennheiser px200's

Angejolie 0

Your life is f***ed. Just buy new ones gosh darn it and if you're too poor to buy new ones and have to use that one then FYL!

steggunekoms 0

F your kittys life that prob didn't feel too good..

ohrlynow 9

Is it wrong of me to feel worse for the cat? I remember my friend's kitten ate a wad of gift-wrapping ribbon once, and the poor thing was in pain trying to pass I can only imagine a pair of earbuds o.o

I'm with you on that one.. poor kitty cat :/

mrgiraffe 0

dude when u saw the jack for the headphones in your cats butt u should of played music!

So buy new ones? Oh my your life is totally ruined...

rafiki19 1

Same thing happened to my moms ear plugs . which were orange . and came out of our dog .