By brentkd - 20/07/2010 16:34 - United States

Today, I found my lost iPhone earbuds. In the cat litter box. I am 100% sure that they passed through my cat to get there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 654
You deserved it 4 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

That's shitty. Hey, at least Apple makes some solid headphones!

"hey, i can hear the ocean in my earbuds! no. wait. that's just my cat's digestive system."


rubina 0

every now and then? gross. i scoop at least 3 times a day. >_

Well can you still use them? If so MAN UP.

:3 Well earbuds could look like baby mice with very long tails.

buy new ones. its not worth trying it out.

haha it woulda been funnier if just the bids came out and the cat was dragging them along. "I'm so hipster I listen to music from my ass.

omgstupidname 1

dang, those are like $20 too

my cat has taken a bite out of every single one of my pairs of earbuds.

Awww, dude that sucks almost as bad as Apple's earbuds!

Fannypack7 0

My cat did that with a 5ft piece of wire! I had to rush him to the vet.

TheDoctor10 28