By sadface - 03/02/2010 11:58 - France

Today, I found out that I'm not actually pregnant. I've apparently been having a hysterical pregnancy because I want a child so badly. I don't know which was worse, the look of relief on my husband's face or having to send a mass email to inform my family and friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 052
You deserved it 9 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww, that really sucks... I remember having to tell everyone there wasn't a baby (but in my case it was a miscarriage). Have you guys tried a fertility clinic? Also, hysterical pregnancy doesn't mean she's a nutjob. She really wants a baby (and some women who don't experience it, as well) so it's not really weird for her to experience this, if she was hoping for it.

TrekkieGirl 0

@ #1, I agree. OP, why the heck would you have already told family and friends that you're expecting if you clearly hadn't gotten a test done? Most people wait a few months before saying anything. Also, if you're husband is relieved that you are not pregnant, that should tell you he's not ready to have kids. Which you shouldn't ignore! There is more to life than having kids. Find a hobby, because your fixation with having a baby is just unhealthy.


that's so like glee , I mean I still beleive it , but you know ...

I think the ignorance of some of the commenting folks on here is rather sickening. Its not a YDI. This woman was obviously very stressed for reasons we, obviously, do not know. Maybe she really wanted kids. Maybe she's been trying for a really long time. Maybe there are family members pushing her to have a baby, such as her mother wanting to be a grandmother. We don't know any of that. Her hysterical pregnancy isn't something she can control. She can't just wake up one day and decide that she isn't having a pregnancy or hysterical pregnancy. Her body is doing it to her, she's not controlling it. As far as her husband's reaction. It doesn't say she was pissed at him or what her exact feelings were about that. For all we know, she was probably just hurt by the look on his face. She's going through a tough time. She just found out that she isn't pregnant which is actually what she wanted. She's probably not happy with the look on her husband's face but she'll probably get over it soon. And we also don't know if the look was because he didn't want a baby or if he was just worried/scared. Men have a history of being scared of children because it's a big commitment and they would have to give up some of their fun "guy" times to take care of their child. So he could just be scared or maybe he's even worried about the financial part of having a baby. With her sending mass emails, no she really shouldn't have unless of course she was actually 3 months into her hysterical pregnancy which is kind of hard to guess on because she probably would've been thoroughly checked for that. But regardless, maybe she was just so damn excited to be pregnant that she jumped the gun and sent out emails too early and now has to email them all back and tell them the new story. I'm sure her friends and family will understand and help her through it. She's not a nutcase, she's perfectly fine to try to have children (she's not going to destroy the earth if she does), and some people need to get their facts straight before they start calling YDIs. OP, I'm very sorry about your situation. It'll get better. You just have to relax and try at the right time when you're calmed down and really ready to try for it. Good Luck :]

1. The mind controld the body. Obviously if she is wanting, wanting, wanting, dreaming, thinking of having a baby, her mind will convince the body that that is what is happening. Hysterical pregnancy doesn't happen just because of.. It's he same case as the Indian who tought had cancer. Didn't have cancer, but was obssesed with having cancer and ended having it. 2. Mother forcing for wanting to be a grandmother ? So OP, if this is one of the reasons, go buy yourself some personality. 3. YDI for beeing so selfish. Does your husband even want a kid ? Have you even thought about that ? Or maybe you just care for yourself ? Because having a baby where it isn't wanted is not good, even if it finally calms your obssesion for having one. You not only have to think for your husband but ALSO for the baby.

Well said. Everything you said, I was thinking. OP: I'm sorry. Please take care and relax. I's all easier said than done.

That's a little harsh. You have no idea of her situation. No one deserves that. Maybe her husband was worried about HER??? Unless you are the OP or her family....I think you should STFU.

No one deserves what ? She went for it herself. Yeah I BET her husbands face was because he was worried ! Ha !

maybe her mind did control her body but you can't just wake up one day and decide that you're done wanting a child. It doesn't work like that. Some women are raised with the desire to mother a child, to take care of someone. Some people just have the motherhood instinct. When someone has that, you can't just say 'I think I'm done wanting a kid.' therefore, once again, she doesn't have the control over her hysterical pregnancy. She doesn't need a 'personality'. If it's a case of her mother wanting to be a grandmother and the OP doesn't really care if she has a child either way, then she just plain needs to stand up for herself. It isn't a matter of her personality, it's a matter of her decisions. And maybe she wanted a child beforehand, and her mother could have reinforced that want by mentioning her joy at being a possible grandmother. You have no idea whether or not her husband wanted a baby. Did you read anything I said about that? Men are naturally scared of being a father. They don't like the thought of giving up their guy time and video games and whatever they are in to to be a father, but most eventually step up to the plate. You don't know, just as I don't know. Maybe they had thoroughly talked about having a child and agreed but he started to get scared when they thought she was pregnant. Second thoughts happen to everyone. Think about it.

@df13 1. So obviously if someone breaks their leg it's because they were "wanting, wanting, wanting, dreaming, thinking of breaking their leg" because the mind 'controld' the body. 2. Even if her mother was very eager to become a grandmother (which we don't know is true) there is no reason to assume that this is the central reason for her pregnancy 3. Clearly her husband was involved in the decision making process, she can't get pregnant without him. If he was opposed to having a baby he shouldn't have gotten her pregnant. There is such a thing as birth control after all.

This is ridiculous. You're making the desire to mother a child sound like some weird, abnormal, and dangerous disorder. For most women, it's completely natural. I DESPERATELY want children to a point where I already have plans for their rooms and names and little activities for them. This is something *I*, as my OWN person, want. I'm lucky enough to have a fiancé who shares that excitement, but even if I didn't, I would STILL want my little babies. Of course I'm in no position to actually have any children yet, but that desire is STILL there. It would be there even if my fiancé didn't want any kids. The desire to have children isn't going to just go away because your partner doesn't share it or because somebody else is trying to convince you it's a bad idea. Everybody is always telling me to be around their nieces or siblings for a while and then I won't be wanting any more kids, but the more I spend time around children, the more I want to have my own. This is MY personal desire that NOBODY can take away from me. Just like it's OP's. It doesn't matter if her husband wants kids or not... She'll still want them. I remember talking to my fiancé when we first started dating. He'd always say he was going to get clipped as soon as he turned 18 because he hated kids. That hurt me SO much because I wanted children SO bad. I didn't hate him for it, I didn't pressure him, but I still wanted the children.

god, thats gotta hurt. well often men arent fully ready for a child until u actually have the baby, then they fall head over heels in love, so dont mind the face ur husband pulled! shame about telling everyone though. just make up a real sad story instead of the truth and when u finally do have a baby everyone will be twice as happy ;) yea life never works out that well, but hey!!

Pink_Butterflies 0

ydi for telling everyone before being 100% certain you were even really pregnant.

Until the first ultrasound (which is anywhere between weeks 14 and 18, in my part of the world), the doctor sometimes can't tell the difference. Even the DOCTOR could have been certain she was pregnant. The blood and urine tests would come back positive, she'd start gaining weight and having morning sickness, EVERYTHING...some women even get cramps and gastric complaints that mimic early fetal movements. They could have only realized the pregnancy was false when they did the first ultrasound and noticed something wasn't right. So she could have waited until the second or third month to tell everyone, because both she and her doctor really did think she was pregnant. And when they did the ultrasound, BAM. Either an abnormal mass of cells in the uterus, or nothing at all. Whoops, false pregnancy, and the doc puts her on medication to get rid of the symptoms. Really, people...if you're going to say YDI, make sure your reasoning is sound. -___-

mckkayua 0

hysterical pregnancy... means what again ? I get confused between a couple of those terms... ?

there's some posts above that explain it. I read what they posted, and googled it for a cross reference :]

So you just assumed you were pregnant and didn't bother getting a pregnancy test. That must be weird. "Honey, I'm pregnant." "Really? When'd you find out?" "Right now, without even taking a test or anything. I'm just saying I'm pregnant because I randomly feel like it." YDI.

read the posts above and you'll see that her body could have reacted as if she was pregnant without her being pregnant. So regardless of testing, her hormone levels could be high enough to signal a pregnancy. Hysterical pregnancies are also known to be diagnosed as real pregnancies by doctors too. the pregnancy can show in the urine tests and blood tests even if she isn't actually pregnant. So she could've been urine tested and blood tested and that's where she came up with the conclusion that she was pregnant. It's really not clear until you get to the ultrasound.

Ladsforme 0

Hey, sorry to hear that, but it's good that Will found out in time before Emma left the school, now they can get together! /Glee