By sadface - 03/02/2010 11:58 - France

Today, I found out that I'm not actually pregnant. I've apparently been having a hysterical pregnancy because I want a child so badly. I don't know which was worse, the look of relief on my husband's face or having to send a mass email to inform my family and friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 052
You deserved it 9 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww, that really sucks... I remember having to tell everyone there wasn't a baby (but in my case it was a miscarriage). Have you guys tried a fertility clinic? Also, hysterical pregnancy doesn't mean she's a nutjob. She really wants a baby (and some women who don't experience it, as well) so it's not really weird for her to experience this, if she was hoping for it.

TrekkieGirl 0

@ #1, I agree. OP, why the heck would you have already told family and friends that you're expecting if you clearly hadn't gotten a test done? Most people wait a few months before saying anything. Also, if you're husband is relieved that you are not pregnant, that should tell you he's not ready to have kids. Which you shouldn't ignore! There is more to life than having kids. Find a hobby, because your fixation with having a baby is just unhealthy.


fogrunner 13

So adopt a kid or have a nice childFREE life. :D

deafgirlwalking 0

Then be childfree! Your husband obviously doesn't want kids, and you seem like a psycho. CHILFREE LIFE!

so exactly what happens on glee then.'re basically telling the world that you're totally crazy

OP ignorne the people who can't read before they commment and have no basic intelligence to look up a medical term before judging like a asshole who does not desreve to have a computer.

Don't worry, Nadya, there will be more. ...Okay, okay, that was mean of me. Sorry. I just resent people who think popping out kids is the most important thing in life when the world is already suffering from overpopulation. WTF is "wrong" with adoption??

Most women will try to have a child of their own, and adoption is an absolute last resort. They'll try and try and try, and only adopt when infertility is an absolute certain fact. So the OP may not want to give up on having her own child just yet, before agreeing to raise someone else's child. And there's really nothing wrong with that, you know.

I absolutely love the thought of adopting and if it wasn't for the fact that it's so über expensive, I would probably end up adopting a child. Even so, the thought of conceiving, carrying, and bringing a child that is half me, half my fiancé into this world is the most amazing thought ever. It's natural to be wanting your OWN child.

My heart hurts for you. I recently had a miscarriage and my husbands responce was "well, we need to get you on birth control because if we're not pregnant I dont wanna be."

girlybuddy 0

Im sorry honey. that is so sad.

This is anything but funny. To those who find this comical or think YDI get a life.

lol that's why u always double check with a pregnacy test... what's going on with you people? Mom I am finally pregnant.Y I am sure...