By jellybean_94 - 15/08/2009 04:33 - Canada

Today, I found out that my parents are first cousins. FML
I agree, your life sucks 137 418
You deserved it 7 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This happens more often then you'd think. But still, FYL.

My parents are first cousins too, lol, I turned out fine. Just don't go off with your first cousin, there will probably be some trouble there :P


sara942 0

what's the fml here? this is so not a big deal...especially if your parents come from a culture where this is commonplace. all over the world, people have been marrying their cousins for centuries. plus, the rate of mutations in the offspring of first cousins is barely greater than the rate found in the rest of the population. this really isn't much of a shocker. get over it.

yeah maybe it's not that bad if only one generation did it but if like you said he comes from a culture where they've been doing it for centuries that's a big deal because the risk of birth defects increases each time

This may be the 2nd-shortest FML. (The first-shortest was "Today, Michael Jackson died. FML"

I once saw an FML that went like this: "Today, I shat a magnet. FML" And another one: "Today, I almost got kidnapped. again. FML"

I saw one that said "Today, it's Monday."

Don't forget the "Today, I used Viagra" one.

really, didn't your 12 fingers and extra boob kind of make you suspicious before now? i guess the extra fingers do come in handy typing up your fml's though.

#34, you're going to be flamed for trying to use religion in your defense. There's no such thing as God.

i hate how people make fmls that have already been done. the kid doing his family tree found out that his parents were cousins. why cant people be original anymore?

More original when it actually happened? It's not like OP made it up? Well they could have, but accusing them of it because someone else has posted one similar, is just rude.

The problem with cousins marrying each other is that over a couple of generations, if it keeps happening, the risk of birth defects is much much larger. A family is more likely to possess the same recessive mutations, so if you backcross enough times without diversifying the gene pool, you're going to end up with children who have all these issues that you wouldn't normally see if the parents were unrelated. OP it sucks for you because of the huge taboo associated with your situation in the West. Just keep it quiet unless you want to be tortured with hick jokes til the end of your days. And make sure you don't marry your cousin, or you're going to have ****** up kids.

God doesn't exist, so I do think I'm more intelligent then ... nothing.... But hey if you want to believe in a book written 2000 years ago then do so. I'm sticking to the flying spaghetti monster

#52 You got that from Southpark you ******* idiot.