By koolkidx3 - 24/02/2010 21:28 - United States

Today, I had my final economics exam, and needed to ace it, or else I would fail the entire module. After studying all day yesterday, and pulling an all-nighter today, I managed to pull it off and get a perfect score. Unfortunately, my teacher didn't believe that it was possible, and accused me of cheating. Now I may be thrown out of college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 325
You deserved it 3 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Osakhomen 0

You can't be thrown out of college unless she has proof, if you didn't cheat, she probably won't have proof. They might ask you take another test to prove you know the material, so be prepared for that.

choosemusic 0


aka_Specs 7

Now that sucks...Virginia eh? Wonder what school that might be? Tech? JMU? ODU? VCU? UVA?

Do you have any evidence of u studying? Like notes or flash cards.Show it to him/her

The cheaters ruin it for everyone else.

endurancefan212 21

Agree with some other commenters on here, but just wanted to put in my two cents. Yes, I agree with those who are asking what this poster was doing all semester if s/he has the capability to not only ace, but get a perfect score on an exam. OP, you shouldn't have put yourself in that situation where you would have to ace the exam to pass, I hope you learned your lesson, but that sucks that your teacher doesn't honestly believe you could've gotten the grade you did without having to cheat. Besides, we don't know why this person didn't do well in the first place, maybe s/he didn't fully understand the material until s/he took the time to really study for it.

YooYoungBae 7

She cant do that! Can she? Id report her. If only for giving a test thats "impossible" to get a perfect score on. :/

What happened to being congratulated on being smart, all anyone thinks now is that you cheated.

Well they can't prove anything so don't worry so much