By koolkidx3 - 24/02/2010 21:28 - United States

Today, I had my final economics exam, and needed to ace it, or else I would fail the entire module. After studying all day yesterday, and pulling an all-nighter today, I managed to pull it off and get a perfect score. Unfortunately, my teacher didn't believe that it was possible, and accused me of cheating. Now I may be thrown out of college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 325
You deserved it 3 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Osakhomen 0

You can't be thrown out of college unless she has proof, if you didn't cheat, she probably won't have proof. They might ask you take another test to prove you know the material, so be prepared for that.

choosemusic 0


He can't make a test he knows to be impossible. And he can't accuse you of cheating without proof.

And that is enough ? The he "doesn´t believe" ? I would think that needs to prove it.

I hope you will fight this tooth and nail. It is just wrong. I encourage you to start keeping a log of what happened and the interactions you've had in this disgraceful matter.

disgruntledyouth 0

I hate it when teachers have no faith in their students

Yes it sounds familiar cause this has happened a lot, in general. I hear a lot about students who usually don't do well and then try their hardest for a test they must do well in, get a really good score and get accused of cheating or whatever else. This, I think, is pure retardedism. Why can't they believe that you worked hard? Sure, it might really seem like you cheated. Up to there, I understand. But shouldn't the prof at least talk to you about it if they're suspicious? It reminds me of those stupid hs teachers that would automatically tear your test if they so much as THOUGHT you were cheating. Can't anyone in this world talk out things anymore? =___=

How did you get into the position that you needed to "ACE" your final in order to pass the class? You learned the material in 2 days well enough to "ACE" the exam but you couldn't learn it well enough to keep a passing grade the rest of the year? Ummm..... wow.

sexyytiff 0

So fake... maybe at the worst community college. Not a single part of this even makes sense