By CaoNiMa - 26/03/2009 15:42 - China

Today, I had my girlfriend over and we we're watching a movie in my basement. I run upstairs and pop a bag of popcorn. Later I come downstairs to find my 10 year old brother sitting next to my girlfriend saying," My brother always says he wants to screw your brains out, whatever that means". FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 837
You deserved it 74 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

meaganwas 0

You have the best little brother ever.

That ten year old knew what he was saying. LOL.


IMz0r 0

Hey, that's not so bad depending on the girl. It's something that would be insensitive to say to her face but she'd like to know.

im with #9. this presents a nice opportunity LOL

Don't ever tell anyone your intentions.

DarkMirror 0

Lmao was he trying to help you out or cockblock you? I'd probably take that as a compliment.

maybe she was hoping you'd want to have sex with her?

LoveToSmile101 0

Haha yeah little brothers are the best i have one don't look forward to him getting older..Lol but be happy maybe she feels the same way.. So how did that work out?

haha that's awesome. How old is your brother? I bet he knew EXACTLY what that means. lol

aren't us little siblings awesome? i'm pretty sure your little bro knows what that means xD