By Justme - 20/02/2011 12:23 - United States

Today, I had surgery on my "girl parts" and can't have sex for six weeks. My boyfriend sees no need to spend any time with me until I heal up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 430
You deserved it 7 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As soon as you heal up, injure his man parts. I think that's only fair. Then ignore him for six weeks.

Sucks to be you. Oh well, find someone who doesn't just want you for sex.


that exact same thing is happening to me. he wasn't even at the hospital when I had the surgery. being with his friends and sleeping is way more important than my internal bleeding.

sourgirl101 28

Stop complaining if you're still with if. You already know where you stand!

That is kinda sad, and you're really cute, so I think you should ditch your man friend as well.

dump his ass!!! at least now u know why he likes u...... just to get in your panties!!

You deserve it for not submitting a FML that says: "Today, I had surgery on my "girl parts" and can't have sex for six weeks. My boyfriend sees no need to spend any time with me until I heal up. So now I'm also boyfriendless because I put on my big girl panties and dumped is sorry ass. FML" If he is more concerned about sex than the fact that you had surgery for any reason, you need to help him be single until he wises the **** up.

That's exactly what she should have said...

Peytonlikesme 0

He'll cheat on you!!!!!! I'm NOT JOKING!!! LOL

Avenged7Gabe 0

how the hell would you know retard

LOLZ HE'S PROB RIG4T. haha, I'm just messing. I don't think you actually laughed out loud.

just because the roller coaster is broken doesnt mean they shut down the whole amusement park.

guys like that give guys like me a bad name, dump the idiot and find sum1 who actually cares bout u.

HoldenGrudges 0

get a new boyfriend dumbass; he is probably going to go see someone with working parts

teatjie 0

Your girl parts are much more precious than a dick like him!

Next time you get surgery on your “Girl Parts” have a sex change. That’ll teach him!

Her boyfriend is definitely a jerk. I mean she still has a mouth and butthole, doesn't she?

Apparently you do too #47, since your head is CLEARLY up your ass, and you're talking out of it.