By notanidiot - 20/06/2012 12:46 - United States - Lansing

Today, I laughed when I shouldn't have and am probably fired. What happened? My boss asked me if birds were reptiles. I thought he was kidding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 968
You deserved it 3 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well they aren't as different as you think. Birds are descended from dinosaurs.

FireFlie07 20

He seriously thought birds were reptiles???Lmao


Well since this came from the US. I know this is real. It is always the idiots that are in charge. One time my boss told me to mop the freezer then yelled at me. FYL

broadysgirl 0

What did he yell for? We mop the freezer weekly, it's not hard. Just use really hot water and a pretty wet mop, work in small batches, and leave the mop water outside.

jayhawkchik 4

Read ANY modern science textbook. Birds evolved from Reptiles which evolved from dinosaurs. Morons!

Well, no. The reptiles you see today actually diverged from dinosaurs long ago. The only living 'dinosaurs' you'll see today are birds.

I mean modern reptiles and dinosaurs shared a common ancestor.

baubabe05 3

If you get fired for your bosses stupidity..then you're better off not working for him because it might even get worse down the line.

At least you're not working for an idiot anymore.

jayhawkchik 4

Birds are descendants of reptiles. Additionally , Pluto is no longer a planet. Would it kill you to read a book once in awhile?! YDI

KiddNYC1O 20
kinsey1482 4

They were recently recatagorized as replies.

Birds evolving from reptiles is still very much a theory, but even if it's true it's still no reason to believe that are still reptiles. Lol. Kids these days.

MerrikBarbarian 9

Not a theory anymore. Google the chickenosaur experiments

padfootA 4

I would hate to work for your boss OP!

Birds ARE reptiles, funnybone! The are classified as Kindom: Animalia, Phylum: Cordata, Class: REPTILIA, Clade: Dinosauria, Class: Aves (also sometimes referred to as Reptilia Aves). Clearly your boss is not the idiot here. PS: Feel free to consult the latest edition of "Biology" by Campbell & Reece for confirmation.