By aaa - 01/03/2011 15:00

Today, I learned that it's cute when a goat comes up to you and licks your face. That is, until you realize that goat was just eating poison ivy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 867
You deserved it 5 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you made sure the goat hadn't eaten animal dung before he licked you? No? Pray it hadn't, and if he did, that the animal wasn't carrying any type of bacteria/ parasite fecal transmittable... Otherwise, now you have it on your face. Good luck with that.

ThomasO_fml 0

GOAT used LICK! It's super effective!


omg that ******* sucks! you're not goi g to get a kiss for 6 weeks!

ulicksam 0

How can you NOT deserve it. You let a goat lick your face!

InvisibleReign 0

Lesson of the day: Don't let animals lick your face. YDI

Ewww that is not cute. Fyl for thinking it is cute.

I agree with #1 or at least smack the goat silly.

Oh yeah...effin adorable. Goats freak me out. FYL, OP...for being that close to a goat, and the poison on your face.

randiZ25 0

that's kinda shitty luck you've got there...

perdix 29

It would have been cute if you had put peanut butter on your crotch and let said goat go to town on your junk.

Did you made sure the goat hadn't eaten animal dung before he licked you? No? Pray it hadn't, and if he did, that the animal wasn't carrying any type of bacteria/ parasite fecal transmittable... Otherwise, now you have it on your face. Good luck with that.

Wait, you let a goat lick your face? I have no idea where you're from, but that seems completely irrelevant. Because it's a GOAT. And you let it LICK YOUR FACE. On what planet did you think this would be OK?