By Anonymous - 20/09/2012 12:31 - United States

Today, I realized just how bad my 28-year-old husband's gamer rage is when I came home to a smashed TV. This is the second TV in three months that he's destroyed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 078
You deserved it 4 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smash one TV, shame on you. Smash two TVs, shame on me.


babyshaft408 8

Ya cod is very frustrating. Throw a controller

I used to get frustrated throw my controller when I played Pokemon Stadium...when I was 12...

Wow... That pretty sad. He's got some anger issues!

Make him replace it. If he works that is. If not, make him go without for a while.

Time to smash his game system :) that will teach him. Or better yet he needs a second job to keep him busy

That's ridiculous, I wish my husband would do some bs like that there wouldn't even be a board game in our house.

cleio81 5

Looks like you need one of those plastic containment cases they put around TVs in prison.

Maybe he needs to try some jujitsu where his rage will only get him beat faster. He needs to learn limits and a defenseless tv won't teach him that.