By My_Cow_kiM - 28/04/2009 23:05 - United States

Today, I told my mom I'm severely allergic to my cat and that the doctor told me it would be best to get rid of the cat. Somewhat jokingly, I told her it was either me or the cat. She chose the cat. She was serious too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 450
You deserved it 5 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you're a minor and still going to school, that's sad but if you're like 30, living at home and paying no rent... clearly the cat should win it all depends...

#3 that's ****** up. You can't make people choose over two things they love. Most of the time it will backfire at the person saying it.


I really hate overly dramatic people. Get a life and stop exaggerating.

I'm assuming you're at the age where you're old enough to move out and live on your GTFO...I think she took this as a very convenient opportunity to kick you out!

... I'm gonna agree with what most people have said- if you're over 30, it's hardly FYL. Although, the idea of choosing a cat over any member of your family is ridiculous. Cats don't love you. You're neccessary to them. If you stopped giving it everything, it would run away.

If you're old enough to move out, then you probably should. Your biological inferiority should not prevent your mom from having a cat.

storm7_fml 0

LMAO-- not @ u but @ # 8!!!! n thats sucks!! dont kill tha cat...just take sum meds n put tha at away!

I'd choose the cat too. Humans can medicate their allergies, adult cats given up to shelters don't usually get new homes.

get shots. insurance should cover them, and then you can keep the cat. win-win

IF You >= 18 OR HS Student then FML ELSE YDI.

Ok, well for you to go to the doctor by yourself (I'm assuming by yourself because you mentioned nothing about your Father, etc taking you. And usually if the other parent takes their child to the doctor and learns of a serious allergy they would help coax the other parent to getting rid of whatever is making their child ill), then you have to be 16+ yrs old. And if you're 16+ that means you're near your last 2 years of high school/in college/ or a dead beat living at home, leeching off their parents money. And not only that, knowing most teenagers, they get in frequent arguments with their parents and usually don't have a job to help out. So yeah... can't blame your mom for picking the cat over you. Even though there's a 99.9% chance she did it jokingly since usually when people say shit like "Me or Him", they're not being serious.