By Anonymous - 01/12/2010 08:35 - United States

Today, I tried to fix my laptop charger by fiddling around with it using metal tweezers. Not only did I forget to unplug the cord and shocked myself, I also ended up breaking the charger completely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 896
You deserved it 51 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kawigurl 0

dumbass ydi hope it jolted something in ur brain that awakens the common sense area...

perdix 29

Hopefully, your Darwin Award will come along with a cash prize so you can buy a new charger. It won't be enough to buy you some common sense, though, but that might take you out of the running for bigger Darwin Awards. Sadly, the big money is only given out posthumously.


misterx19 0

...Sorry, its just to easy to make of this FML. YDI

stupid >.> I have issues with my charger and I don't do that stuff. YDI

tboudre 0

you gave it a shot before sending more money to china for a new one. that's a good thing

You clearly don't know anything about fixing tech problems. Neither do I, and my rule of thumb is generally "Don't even try." And metal conducts electricity, you idiot. You may as well have just stuck the tweezers in the wall outlet.

wwerulez14 6

Better yet, just go stand on the roof of your house during a thunderstorm with a metal rod. Hold it up the the sky and wait. Oh, and if your body hair begins to stand up, that's just the wind; ignore it.

RedPillSucks 31

Next time, use a mandolin instead of a fiddle.

Your charger will still hold a charge after you unplug it i believe. The big clunky thing between the two ends of the outlet will ruin your day whether its been plugged in or not. Also a CRT monitor will kill you if you try and stick things in that. I'm being proactive with you. Just in case

LesCDeal 6

Actually, it won't hold a charge. Too small of a transformer. But you're right on track with the rest.

taking it to a shop it a waste of money, 9 times out of 10 that kid doesnt know WTF he's doing anyway