By Anonymous - 01/12/2010 08:35 - United States

Today, I tried to fix my laptop charger by fiddling around with it using metal tweezers. Not only did I forget to unplug the cord and shocked myself, I also ended up breaking the charger completely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 896
You deserved it 51 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kawigurl 0

dumbass ydi hope it jolted something in ur brain that awakens the common sense area...

perdix 29

Hopefully, your Darwin Award will come along with a cash prize so you can buy a new charger. It won't be enough to buy you some common sense, though, but that might take you out of the running for bigger Darwin Awards. Sadly, the big money is only given out posthumously.


****** asshole, Today, I tried to fix my laptop charger by fiddling around with it using metal tweezers. that right there is why YDI

IneffableLullaby 13

I'm sorry to say, but you deserve it for making such a stupid mistake. Common sense apparently isn't so common anymore.

Wirebiter 0

Not to mention you have no idea what's wrong with it. you're just mashing shit with tweezers for no reason. But hey, you can pretty much figure that anything before where you shocked yourself works fine!

Hahaha. Wooooow. That's 'special'. So you ignored all common sense and the twitching, dying remains of your self-preservation instinct, and then decided to try and get some sympathy from the INTERNET of all places? OP, please stay far away from any sharp objects, electrical sockets, refrain from driving any cars, 'k? You're a hazard.

Steve95401 49

At least OP wasn't standing in a bathtub full of water when she had this brilliant idea for fixing the charger.

you're lucky... I had to learn about electricity using a textbook, while you learned it using tweezers and a laptop

brokenhelix 4

you're getting really close to earning a "Darwin Award" - keep up the hard work!

Why would the man leave it in the kitchen?

must not of got the memo in grade 1. electricity travels through metal. idiot.