By Anonymous - 01/12/2010 08:35 - United States

Today, I tried to fix my laptop charger by fiddling around with it using metal tweezers. Not only did I forget to unplug the cord and shocked myself, I also ended up breaking the charger completely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 895
You deserved it 51 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kawigurl 0

dumbass ydi hope it jolted something in ur brain that awakens the common sense area...

perdix 29

Hopefully, your Darwin Award will come along with a cash prize so you can buy a new charger. It won't be enough to buy you some common sense, though, but that might take you out of the running for bigger Darwin Awards. Sadly, the big money is only given out posthumously.


Hopersz 0

OP I had the same thing happen in my case. I forgot to unplug the charger from the laptop and when I removed the cord from the wall I got shocked, electrical shock. Now my laptop doesnt work and is being repaired. OP I can tell you right now your gonna need fixing on your laptop and soon. I took mine to Geek Squad and they said it was Electrical Shock as well. Get it looked at before its to late and GL

YDI for trying to fix it yourself. If it's really broken, take it in and have someone fix it or just buy a new one.

nomudkips 4

If you broke something off you might be able to solder it back on, but for ****'s sake unplug it this time.

it's shocking how stupid you are, OP. someone like you ought to be CHARGED with being too stupid to live and given the electric chair. ;)

OMG THE ELECTRIC CHAIR IS NOT A JOKE. My uncle Joe Bob done git fried tryin to fix one-a them chairs with his metal tweezers! I guess he forgot to wet it first. RIP, Joe Bob.

ulicksam 0

Looks like the OP... *puts on sunglasses* ...had a rather shocking experience. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHH!!!

I am shocked by your stupidity. Everyone knows you should use a fork when fiddling with electrical sockets and cables!

perdix 29

Hopefully, your Darwin Award will come along with a cash prize so you can buy a new charger. It won't be enough to buy you some common sense, though, but that might take you out of the running for bigger Darwin Awards. Sadly, the big money is only given out posthumously.

The trick with awarding money posthumously is to always pay by cheque.