By Anonymous - 30/04/2009 02:03 - United States

Today, I turned 35. I was given my first-ever orgasm by the best lover I've ever had: a massaging shower head from Wal-Mart. That I bought for myself. It was the only gift I received. FML
I agree, your life sucks 110 213
You deserved it 17 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kate08_fml 0

that is a serious FML comment right there. F your life ... seriously

silkee_shiny 0


h011ist3rguy 0

Well, the next step is popping your cherry, hahah!

So you just not get men or are the men you get just not pleasuring properly? Because there's a different between never having an ****** because you're an anti-social spinster and never having an ****** because you get with bad dudes. I'm gonna go with anti-social because by 35 SOMEONE would've given you an ****** if you were willing and trying.

Loe_307 0

its not everybody's fault that you dont know your body as well as they know their own.

This one is pretty funny:

Wtf...obviously you don't know the right kinda guys... Happy bday..and uhm..grats on the ******..i suppose.. Want to learn what it's really like?

If you've never had an ******, you probably don't communicate very well with your sexual partners. Do so.

sammy813 0

is thsi really true? you didnt get any presents for your 35th bday. and u got ur first ****** at thirty five from a shower head. i cant even fathom what you look like. probably monstrous! so u have no friends. okay that was incrediously mean of me.

I'm surprised it took you this long to bring yourself to ******. l2waterfall method in bathtub.

#38 - the feeling I got from this FML is that she hasn't ever even had a sexual partner, what with the no friends giving gifts and all...