By Anonymous - 30/04/2009 02:03 - United States

Today, I turned 35. I was given my first-ever orgasm by the best lover I've ever had: a massaging shower head from Wal-Mart. That I bought for myself. It was the only gift I received. FML
I agree, your life sucks 110 213
You deserved it 17 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kate08_fml 0

that is a serious FML comment right there. F your life ... seriously

silkee_shiny 0


AntiChrist7 0

men are willing to sleep with everyone. YDI for not knowing that

bluejean0991 0

I feel really sorry for you... but why would you wait until 35? I started experimenting at like 15 or 16... I'm still a virgin but I still ********** so it doesn't matter if you don't have anyone to do it for you (though it would be nicer) :]

UltimateIdiot911 0

@42 Are you sure? Maybe extremely drunk but most guys I know have some standards and being a guy myself, have standards too.

arienh4 0

Too crappy to be true. Honestly.

My Parents were married 20 years and my dad never gave my mom a single ****** in their entire marriage. It can definitely happen.

Those who are saying she must not have any friends or a sexual partner don't know what it's like to be in your mid 30s or above. If you're still single then, your married friends don't hang out with you any more and it becomes increasingly hard to meet men. Also, many women have had sex but not orgasms. I went to Catholic school and that's the standard there. :) Honey, I have three words for you: Hitachi Magic Wand.

how do you fail this hardcore at life? failing this much takes a lot of dedication...

kellster 2

I'm really sorry. :( I mean, yay for having something in your life that will give you a little joy where it counts, but how do you not have any friends? Did you do something to scare everyone away? Your family? That's really sad. Maybe you should join some kind of club, or dork it up in some kind of online group. There are people out there for you, platonic and otherwise! I hope you find some of them!

That is incredibly lazy on your part to not to achieve an ****** by 35.