By youdontknowmewhy - 29/06/2015 07:42 - United States - Keller

Today, I was called a selfish brat for asking for a pillow as my birthday present. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 887
You deserved it 2 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

assurant 12

unless the pillow is made of solid gold then they are a selfish brat. FYL

There's nothing wrong with wanting a little comfort in life


that's what I got my daughter for her birthday yesterday cause that's what she asked for.

amileah13 26

God, I feel so sorry for you if you can't even get a pillow for your birthday! I'm sorry op :(

It very well could be one of those memory foam pillows that cost over 100 dollars. I doubt that but I just wish we had a little more details. It would clear up some confusion.

BuckNekkid 22

has to be more to the story

How dare you?! A whole pillow just for yourself? Next thing you're going to ask for is a blanket as well!

If they said you're selfish, they must be sleeping on you, OP

"Ugh fine just get me an iPhone then"

Why would someone ask for a pillow? Really? Of all things in the world, you want a pillow?


you spend a third of your life sleeping why wouldn't you ask for a pillow? My bf and I bought a nice sheet set and better pillows and we sleep SO much better now.

iAmDictionary 13

Maybe it's a fancy memory foam pillow


what type of pillow is it? did you ask for something expensive and say something along the lines of that's the only thing I want and if you can't get it don't get me anything? My ex friend was like that and she would tell half truths like OMG my mom didn't get me the TV she promised me for my room. turns out her mother stood in line for 3 hours for the TV but it wasn't the exact one she wanted to she threw a fit so her mom returned it. again this is an EX friend lol

I'm surprised her mom didn't write an FML yet

Geckosrock99 33

Good. I'd do that too. So what if the TV isn't the one she wanted, as long as it works, it shouldn't matter. She should have been happy that they even bought her a TV for her room. Good thing you broke that friendship.