By Anonymous - 08/04/2011 23:42 - United States

Today, I was having some intense sex with my boyfriend. I was wailing so loud that my neighbors decided to call the police on us. According to them, it sounded like I was "being tortured to death". FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 207
You deserved it 38 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kingtz 6

You need to give your bf a medal!

perdix 29

CTFD! Making some noise can be genuine, but when you get to that decibel level, it just sounds fake. The neighbors called the cops to stop a defrauding in progress.


So... he's that good, huh? Lucky. xD

when you have & enjoy sex, it's not eww

woow that sux but at lest u enjoyed havin sex..

Decodedman 1

YDI. Bragging to your neighbors via superloud sex then bragging on fml. Showoff.

Actually, Decoded may have a point. Usually peoples' sex noises aren't at a level that competes with a jet engine. However, some women seem to like yelling at that level simply because they want everyone to know they're having sex. It's actually pretty immature... kind of like they think having sex makes them a badass so everyone needs to know about it. OP, some people have to get up early and work for a living, please be more considerate.

a_nutritionist 10

sad that it took 147 comments to reach a point where someone noticed the obvious truth: you can enjoy sex without literally screaming, and not everyone wants to hear you. keep it to yourself and stop being a rude obnoxious bitch.

Alicia17C 2

I completely agree. there is no need to wail at that level it's all for show, so it's good it ended in an awkward situation, maybe she'll learn her lesson and grow up!

HannahMarshall 6
varkey 7

what the **** is wrong with you? first screaming like that and then posting it on fml? YDI

just curious.. how do u send people personal messages on Fml app?