By maddiee. - 21/10/2010 15:20 - Indonesia

Today, I was on Skype with a guy I really like, in the living room. My dad saw that I was on video chat, got undressed, right down to his bright green y-fronts, and then started dancing behind me. My crush saw it all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 274
You deserved it 7 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mintcar 9

Hahahaha, your dad is hilarious.

Time to start Skyping in your room. Unless he's into that kind of thing?


Nu2Lyfe 2

Glad my dads not really around. But my mom I think is worse... Since she already walks around the house naked all the time...

TheElBurrrito 21

ouch! that doesn't even sound fun.

RedPillSucks 31

Unless the mom is hawt. Then there'll be all sorts of boys wanting video chat sessions.

airforcebound 0
crystalbeee 0

haha epic u got a great dad. hope u c da funny side

Epic. The father of a guy I dared in highschool would fondle himself on the couch through his pants while I was over. It was foul.

would've been funnier if the dad started singing "i'm too sexy"

Femtrooper 0

Better to have the dad that does things like this than the one who treats you like crap or beats you.

That is why you never do face to face chats unless you are in a private setting.