By nana. - 15/02/2009 15:29 - Canada

Today, I was playing musical chairs at a family reunion. It's a well known fact that I'm competitive and tend to hip check people to get that last chair. It came down to me and The Nana. I won. The Nana has a broken hip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 464
You deserved it 73 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's just ignorant and rude... get some respect.

Mr_Serious 6

honestly, how did she make it to the finals without someone else hip checking her first?


wow OP ur a complete jerk and you totally deserve this. I hope you got In trouble afterwards too

luvpinks 0

how awful .. the elderly don't recover as well as they did when they were younger .. in fact alot dont and some die ! and this was all done for a fkn game .. soo fd . u need a ass kicking

ArielTheMermaid 17
suckmynerds 0
bizzle18 0

She should have known what she was getting into.

MustangMan29 13

Your a ******* bitch ! Grow up .