By Noname - 16/03/2009 04:05 - United States

Today, I was rejected from the University of Washington. My dad has been a professor there for 30 years, and is on the board of admissions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 439 376
You deserved it 103 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vonstrangle 0

That must be equally embarrassing for him.

Obviously you assumed you could just get in because your daddy works there and probably didn't try to do well in high school. Your loss.


alexithymia_fml 0

Maybe the school just didn't think you met their standards. It shouldn't matter if you dad works there or not. I agree with #s 1, 5, and 21!

dude no one is getting into UDUB..its impossible. Like other ppl said there is western.

ichbineinkrapfen 0

My brother got in ;) But he's ridiculously smart and will probably save the world. He's going to WWU, though-they have the programs he wants in the environment he wants. WWU is a good school, and so are a lot of schools in Washington. There's also other UW campuses that you could go to for a few years and then try and transfer (same with a community college). This sucks, but hopefully you had a safety or two.

Agree @ #2 My dad does the same stuff. I work for him and he pays me two dollars an hour less then they hire people at!

actonthat 0

Anyone who is calling the OP 'spoiled' or the like for expecting to get in because of her father's position is either an idiot, or so far removed from the college application process that it's... ridiculous. It's unfortunate, but often things like connections, financial standing, or ethnic background matter much more than academic performance, particularly if you're an average student. The process is royally ****** up, and anything but straightforward. IE: I know a girl who was not a good student, but because her father went to GW and was very wealthy, they let her in. And when her boyfriend got rejected, a phone call was made and *he* got in.

Amphysvena 11

People are saying she's spoiled because she mentioned that her dad is part of the admission's board. It seems she was expecting to get in based purely on that fact.

Uhmm someone's stupid. I agree, this isn't an FML, you should've tried harder and not relied on your dad. A friend of mine got rejected from UVA and his dad was HEAD of admissions and he got straight a's. So HAH! You need to shut up and stop bitching.

cuttybuddy 0

Your dad just doesn't want you to see how much ass he gets from students who need a good grade, obv. Good play on his part.