By woah - 04/05/2011 11:51 - United States

Today, my boyfriend asked me how women could urinate with a tampon in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 998
You deserved it 8 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sourgirl101 28

Women have three holes so that when they get drunk, they can be carried home like a bowling ball.

Some people's children.... are male? did not have a human anatomy course in high school? were sheltered from learning about the human reproductive system? Really, ladies: when men think about your genitals, we tend to think about what we can put into them, not about what comes out of them. To a man who has lived in the United States, and grown in it's 'education' system, it's not unexpected that they (who have never had to experience a period, nor spent inordinate amounts of time watching women urinate) expect women to urinate through the big, obvious opening. The state of our education system is such that it is difficult to teach human anatomy and physiology, and understandably, the excretory process is typically not dealt with in any specific detail. Therefore, unless your boyfriend was a VERY curious child and his mother was very open, I find it hard to believe it could be expected for him to know exactly where your urethra is.


johnnybagodonuts 2
ThatLooksSticky 16

not after it's been marinating for three years.

ThatLooksSticky 16

The OP doesn't mention a name. Since she's from West Virginia, there's a good chance she and her boyfriend are 13 years old.

88- What does being from WV have to do with OP's age? are you saying that ALL West Virginian's are 13? I'm pretty sure that I'm 24, so I was just wondering if I've been wrong about my age my entire life.

PhillJFry 0

just because they are from west Virginia doesn't mean they are teenagers but the odds of them being cousins goes up. haha

OP's boyfriend is the embodiment of the argument for bringing back the Human Biology course that used to be part of the school curriculum years ago. How pathetic that there are human's that don't even understand their own species. Being male is not an excuse for not understanding the physiology of the female body. I'm a woman and I know how the male body works - it's called 'EDUCATION'! For #73, the string DOES get wet. A clean and hygiene conscious female will change her tampon with each bathroom visit to prevent yeast infection (from damp conditions) and unpleasant odour (stale urine).

Actually, if you pee more than every 4 hours, changing your tampon each time can cause toxic shock syndrome. Haven't you ever read the instructions in the tampon box?

Having a fresh tampon in an environment that is too dry (changing the tampon too often) also leads to TSS... or using an ultra-absorbing tampon on a light flow day, leads to TSS also. Not to mention how painful it is to put in and pull out a tampon when you're too dry.

There are ways to pee without getting the string wet, so you know. It's not mandatory to change it every time unless you have no idea how to avoid getting it wet.

sxe1215 0

this dyke is so educated she spelled odor wrong

429 - Depending on where you live, it can be 'odor' or 'odour'. Maybe you should look these things up before telling someone off so that you don't look like a douche.

cool517 1

tell that idiot you take it out then pit it back in!!! LMAO

My boyfriend has asked me the exact same question before! I didn't know how to respond to him. I just looked at him and thought are you serious?!?!?

at least he knows how the tampon works. but I can understand how he doesn't know this. just explain him

Tell him that women pee from their asses! xD

saltycookies 5

wait a second I thought they put the tampon up their bunghole