By TheIVkindaruinsthemood - 05/08/2015 18:58 - United States - Milford

Today, my boyfriend got upset that I wouldn't give him head. He was visiting me at the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 030
You deserved it 2 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you work there, or did you just have your tonsils removed? There're different levels of inappropriateness...

Really? That's what you got out of this? "At least he visited you"? That's the least a decent human being can do, much less a boyfriend. Do you just have low standards or something?


There are cameras everywhere. Everywhere...

NineeCat 32

Some people are just so ******* inconsiderate, always putting their selfish needs above others.. Shame on you, OP!

bigblackdude101 16

oh quit being a pussy #12. why get butthurt over a joke, if it was

What a ********, ditch the inconsiderate bastard

What is wrong with him? Should have asked you for a hand job.

What a douche. You should have bit him.

What he actually asking was to hut him on head

Joke or not, it's not appropriate in any manner. If it wasn't a joke, there's an unfortunate possibility that OP's BF is just in it for the sex and related things. If it was a joke... OP's boyfriend is terrible with sarcasm and without tact. As a guy, I believe that men aren't pigs (naturally). It's male children like these that convince women otherwise.

I'm pretty sure if I did that to my wife I would become another patient instead of a visitor. Your bf is a douchebag op.