By TheIVkindaruinsthemood - 05/08/2015 18:58 - United States - Milford

Today, my boyfriend got upset that I wouldn't give him head. He was visiting me at the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 030
You deserved it 2 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you work there, or did you just have your tonsils removed? There're different levels of inappropriateness...

Really? That's what you got out of this? "At least he visited you"? That's the least a decent human being can do, much less a boyfriend. Do you just have low standards or something?


Congratulations, you're dating a psychopath!

No, probably just a garden-variety selfish asshole.

Arctilex 16

I feel like it should be the other way around, he gives you head. ?

Dump the chump, clearly he's an inconsiderate person.

"Today my now ex boyfriend......" There. Fixed it for ya :D

I don't think you want what I have so no...that would be the simple response

leogachi 15

@50 Except that that response makes it sound like she's trying to avoid confrontation, which she shouldn't do.

I had a very similar experience with an ex boyfriend. I was sick for a few days and all he asked was when we would be having sex. I since left him and am now with a man who cares about my well-being more than my body when in these circumstances. You need somebody who cares about you, OP. This behaviour of his is childish and self-centred, and you deserve better.

2nd 20
fpants2010 18

This reminds me of when I literally had just finished squeezing my son out of my hoo haa, his father asked me if we could have sex. He got angry at me when I said no!!