By AAnonymous - 05/11/2014 13:57 - United States - Salt Lake City

Today, my ex sent me a pack of beer to screw with me. I'm still going to AA, and I thought I was almost over it. Five bottles later, I realized I'm not. We didn't break up over my drinking, either; it was because after just 2 weeks of dating, she threatened to kill herself if I didn't marry her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 150
You deserved it 4 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow, your ex is a psycho... stay strong OP. You can do it!

Well, it's a good thing that you're not in that relationship anymore. She sounds more toxic than alcoholism.


hang in there op, one little set back doesnt mean it's all over.

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You can't blame someone for having a disease.

yeah, I'm sure you always make the best choices (#14)

GalaxyShots 21

Alcoholism isn't a disease, but an addiction.

Lol someone with no idea what alcoholism is talking shit to an alcoholic. Ya know for an alcy to go sober takes more personal effort than you have probably given to anything in your ******* life. Relapse happens so get off your high horse twatwaffle.

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TabooSushi 24

Oh, sweetheart... If you think becoming a vet will save you from the "BS of why they're in certain situations," then you have no idea what's coming to you. Just wait until you get your first euthanization, not because the pet is sick or injured beyond help, but simply because the owners decided they didn't want it anymore and refuse to surrender it to a shelter instead. Wait until you get a pet who is so sick or injured that you can't help them, all because the owner was too lazy or couldn't be bothered to bring them in before it was too late. Or, and this is possibly one of the worst ones, you get a pet who you CAN help, but the owners can't afford the treatment, so you are then forced to watch them walk away with a pet who is now very likely going to die because it couldn't get the care it needed. Unless you are the most heartless bastard on Earth, and I doubt you are since you clearly care about animals enough to devote yourself to their care, each and every one of those situations will stab at your heart deeply. Day in and day out, those of us who devote our lives to the care and aid of our animal friends face just as many "BS situations" as those who care for their fellow humans. Sometimes, we even face more. Think twice before you judge.

Alcoholism is an addiction and addiction is a disease. The dependance of a mind-altering substance is a mental health issue.

OP at the end of the day, yes, you did relapse, but things will get better. Make a call to your sponsor or a sober friend and ask for a bit of help. Baby steps OP. Stay strong

skittyskatbrat 19

Let me guess. You tell depressed people they just need to cheer up, don't you?

Translation: "I have no basic understanding of how addiction works"

im studying to be a vet too, and I'd like to point out that animals can be alcoholics.

What a bitch. You're much better off without her. And I have to say I'm glad that you didn't let her intimidate you with that suicide threat. That's a form of emotional abuse and way too many people stay in relationships with people like that because they're afraid they'll go through with their promise.

skittyskatbrat 19

#16, and after awhile, they'll sometimes break up in the hope that the abuser carries out that threat!!!! A vain hope, but still.

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It's just if he chilled them first then drinking them was planned and he had time to call his AA sponsor for support. If he drank them hot right away then his drinking problem is worst than he might have thought.

You're forgetting it's November, I don't know where OP lives, but where I live it could sit out all day and still be cold.

muis545 21

*clicks on profile* damn.. it's cold on earth all over? don't feel it

#30 You're right. That didn't occur to me. I'm in Miami and it's 82 degrees here.

You can start your recovery again. Relapse IS a part of recovery and it doesn't mean you can't get back to the good place you were in before. From my perspective though I don't know that there is such a thing as an alcoholic being "over it". After a year and a half of sobriety my ex thought he could handle a few beers now and then and it just devolved into a hot mess that ended up with me leaving for my own sanity and him continuing to drink his life into a bigger and bigger mess. Don't let her win.

skittyskatbrat 19

It's like cigarettes, you've got to walk away forever. There is no "just an occasional puff" ever again. And when relapses happen, you have to be tough enough to go through quitting all over again. Just remember that you did it once, you can do it again!!!! And keep doing it, one day at a time :)

I think he meant over the break-up , not alcohol.

At least she was psycho right away and it didn't sneak up on you after years together? Stay strong op

WOW op you need a meeting. it's alright to have a bust as long as you keep going back. don't think of it as you failed think of it that you been however many days sober with only one bust. don't forget to use the phone list! be strong good luck

Oh my god...this is so bad I can't laugh. I'm sorry, OP.