By ScenicSubterfuge - 16/07/2013 16:01 - United States - Houston

Today, my grandmother, who has Alzheimer's, cornered me in the kitchen and called the cops. My crime? Robbery, of my own house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 689
You deserved it 2 840

ScenicSubterfuge tells us more.

OP here, that thought hasn't even crossed my mind! That's scary! Haha, she's fine now, but we're already considering moving her to an old folks home -- she's in her late 70s -- so that'll be the next move!

Top comments

1. At least she still remembers how to call the cops. THAT'S a heartwarming accomplishment for someone with Alz. 2. Just imagine if she was part of the pro-gun initiative and took it upon her own hands. 3. Grandma didn't mean to be mean, unlike some thieving, lying senior citizens on Fml.


Hey, This is the OP. I was wondering why the FML is labeled as anonymous, even though I got the badge for it and whatnot. any help? PM me if you have any ideas of how I can get this sorted out.

How.. In anyway, did you deserve this?

One of the few FML with a serious response. As hard as it may sound, but for elderly with a fully developed dementia Alzheimer type, a nursing home is usually a better choice of residence. Those people need a lot of attention, and it's not that seldom that families break under the stress caused by taking care of a member with Alzheimer. It's really a 24/7 job.

Alzheimer is a horrible disease... I work in a nursing home where there are some people with it, and I'm always sad when I see them deteriorating, for example getting lost on the way to their room or forgetting that haven't eaten yet and leaving the dining room. At the end of her life, my great-grandmother didn't even remember that she had children. :(

As an aged care worker (PCA) i suggest you put you grandparent into a resident home as its the best place for elderly suffering any type of dementia. Its the best place for them as they will be cared for and will be in a secure facility where the workers are there to help them

You have my deepest sympathy. I am taking care of my grandmother who has that right now. She constantly acuses me of stealing, thinks my grandpa is having an affair and that the people in the TV are watching her. It's the worst disease imaginable. Hugs to you!

Sounds like its time to put granny in assisted living.