By ScenicSubterfuge - 16/07/2013 16:01 - United States - Houston

Today, my grandmother, who has Alzheimer's, cornered me in the kitchen and called the cops. My crime? Robbery, of my own house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 689
You deserved it 2 840

ScenicSubterfuge tells us more.

OP here, that thought hasn't even crossed my mind! That's scary! Haha, she's fine now, but we're already considering moving her to an old folks home -- she's in her late 70s -- so that'll be the next move!

Top comments

1. At least she still remembers how to call the cops. THAT'S a heartwarming accomplishment for someone with Alz. 2. Just imagine if she was part of the pro-gun initiative and took it upon her own hands. 3. Grandma didn't mean to be mean, unlike some thieving, lying senior citizens on Fml.


Confruzzled 10

At least Grandma was aware enough to call the cops. If there were a real robbery you would be set.

she would probably think the robber was her grandson?

cottoncandymango 17
olpally 32
perdix 29

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime! Hopefully, you won't press charges against yourself and the judge will let you go with a stern warning.

rokolodo 10

Ok how old are you? How can an old lady corner you?

OP here, in the original FML I submitted I had said "cornered me in the kitchen with her cane." That's how she did it. Those things are painful!

perdix 29

Tell the cops she's your accomplice. Then, when the two of you are in prison, you can shank her in the yard!

"I'm not a thief! My grandmother has Alzheimer's." "I heard that one before..."

"I've heard that one before....I think?"

Don't worry OP. It will all be forgotten by the morning. **** both your lives.

Time to face up to your criminal life op… what's the sentence for self robbery?

graceinsheepwear 33