By fuckerman - 03/05/2009 03:47 - Canada

Today, my grandpa told me he can still get aroused even though he is 84. Im 32 and have erectile dysfunction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 601
You deserved it 4 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You probably have erectile dysfunction because you talk about sex with your 84-year-old grandpa.

Erectile dysfunction is something that can affect men of all ages... although the irony must sting. They're doing some great things these days in terms of medication. The more pressing issue here, I believe, is how to get the image of sweet ol' grandpa with a boner out of your head.


Loving the barrage of FML doctors..... OP that suckkks, not that your grandpa can necessarily, but that you have problems. FYL

Your a disgrace to man kind. Shame on you

fretforyerlatte 0

ouch, dude. as if you're not feeling bad enough about your situation, now you have a mental picture of grand dad with a wicked hard on. i work in a nursing home and some of those old men are just FILTHY. seriously though good for him? i guess.. :-/

ihateyouall 0

i was literally sick when i read this. you are a dirty motherlicking bag of piss p.s i'm so with #12. sort yourself out.

Hey, I helped approve this one. Good luck with the ED buddy.

That's gotta suck, although congrats on being 32 and still having a grandpa. As far as erectile dysfunction goes some of the earlier comments have a point, see a doctor they should be able to give you something.

@ #12 and #14 Shut the **** up. You guys are of those people who comment on every single FML thinking you are the ******* shit. The fact of this FML is that he cant get an erection and his grandfather does. I hope your dicks will be bitten off by some **** sucking dogs. And have a good day sir. PS, #14 you are a dirty motherlicking bag of donkey shit, with peanuts in it @OP Well... Go see a doc? As #3 said. It never hurts to try?

harlehatschi 0

i'm with #17, and your life is ****** just cause you have to hear that shit from your grandpa.

Hey #17, I think #12 and #14 were liek totally joking.

Jertastic 0

#17 and #18, you guys are the disgrase to this site. The point of it is to have fun and laugh at the comments. Its people like you who take it too seriously that make this site worse. Otherwise, have you ever heard of Viagra?