By anonymous - 08/06/2011 06:55 - United States

Today, my husband and I got married. The only thing that is different so far is that he now thinks that it's okay to shit with the door open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 003
You deserved it 8 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shift_love 13

well it is ok cause now his shit is your shit and your shit is his shit

thebestof1984 0

If that's the only thing that's changed in your marriage, consider yourself lucky!


I am married and I do it all the time and so does my wife, you dont have to watch! This is not uncommon.

kcmjlopez 0

My boyfriend and I live together and we never close the door when we use the toilet... I guess we're just very comfortable with each other.

...What exactly did you think was going to be different once you married him? People don't magically change literally overnight just because they're wearing a new ring on their finger. Going into a relationship--or even worse, a marriage--thinking "I can change him/her!" is pretty much the absolute stupidest thing you can do. Thus, YDI.

niswisk 3

what did u expect? a piece of paper that yall signed changes nothing but ur marital statues.

Dude, I want a marital statue! I want mine in bronze!

sematariux 7

and hes exactly right (hey grammar nazis you like my lack of punctuation? yeahhhhh eat itttt)

skyeyez9 24

My poops smell like lavendar and chamomile, growing in a green springtime meadow.

you should put your loaves in jars and put wicks in them and sell them as scented candles! You could be rich! lol

tararaeee 0

my husband was the same way. except he also thought it was okay for him to walk into the bathroom when I was in there!

SpectSelf 0

that's funny and gross at the same time