By anonymous - 08/06/2011 06:55 - United States

Today, my husband and I got married. The only thing that is different so far is that he now thinks that it's okay to shit with the door open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 003
You deserved it 8 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shift_love 13

well it is ok cause now his shit is your shit and your shit is his shit

thebestof1984 0

If that's the only thing that's changed in your marriage, consider yourself lucky!


Ah, brings back memories of my own honeymoon.

wow your HUSBAND and you got married??!? :o

bubo_fml 10

I give it 1/2 a week before he wanks off in your face!

It is ALWAYS ok to shit with the door open INCLUDING restaurants, funeral homes, and especially the port-a-john in front of that house in your neighborhood that's being built. You know, the one with all the mexicans working on it? yea, that one. You know that reminds me of a time I was driving by that little hole-in-the-wall diner/dairy bar type place, you know the one I mean, right? Yea the one with the extremely greasy burgers but the awesomest milk shakes. Anyway yea I driving by there because my dumb-ass girlfriend left her purse at my place and needed me to bring it to her at work because she was having her period and needed a tampon. What is up with every woman keeping them in that little side-pocket zippery thing in there? I mean every woman I've ever known keeps it in there. Anyway as I was driving by that place I seen a Mexican guy with the biggest damn head and when he turned around and I saw his face I was like "holy crap, was that George Lopez"? But yea, anyway I think it's cool to take a dump anywhere you please AND that it is always good if you like pooping with the door open! No harm can ever come of this.

If you loved him enough to marry him, it shouldn't be a big deal.

mylifepwnz 0

SOME PEOPLE ARE SO UNGRATEFUL!!!!!!!! you got married!!!!! be happy, not post on FML!!!!!!