By Rich - 25/02/2009 02:20 - United States

Today, my parents gave me a shirt from Banana Republic for my birthday. It looked like one I had bought for myself a couple of days earlier but I thanked them and went to hang it in my closet. An empty hanger hung where I placed the shirt I had purchased. They gave me my shirt for my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 117 114
You deserved it 5 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For their next birthday, steal their car keys and give it to them. Make sure you drive it all night so it has an empty tank of gasoline. Another thing you can do is buy them a new TV to replace the old one they lost. They'll say, what TV? And they'll see that you have staked claim to the old TV. Make sure the new TV you buy sucks.

Your lucky. My parents bought me a big mac for my 16th birthday


xolotl 0

Wow. That's low. And they must think you're an idiot if they thought you wouldn't notice. You should confront them.

Tong_fml 0

#19 is incredibly full of shit. This person's parents didn't have to take a shirt that their KID PAID FOR and give it as a gift. If money was so ******* tight, they could have given the kid a card or explained to the get that they didn't have money for gifts.

aabbccdd_fml 0

how could you say "you deserved this one" ??

TheOrpheus 0

you should give them the same shirt for their anniversary or some other gift giving holiday.

Big Mac talking here. actually, for Christmas, since both my parents had been out of jobs for a few years, they couldnt afford a gift for me. We went to Christmas breakfast at our favorite breakfast. Since no one had any cash, I was forced to pay the tab. I'm 16, I have no job, and they never payed me back. 100 bucks down the drain. Too bad, because I was gonna used that money to get new brakes on my car.

And they thought they'd get away with it? Silly old folks. Find their pornos/condoms/whatever and re-wrap it for their anniversary.