By Rich - 25/02/2009 02:20 - United States

Today, my parents gave me a shirt from Banana Republic for my birthday. It looked like one I had bought for myself a couple of days earlier but I thanked them and went to hang it in my closet. An empty hanger hung where I placed the shirt I had purchased. They gave me my shirt for my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 117 114
You deserved it 5 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For their next birthday, steal their car keys and give it to them. Make sure you drive it all night so it has an empty tank of gasoline. Another thing you can do is buy them a new TV to replace the old one they lost. They'll say, what TV? And they'll see that you have staked claim to the old TV. Make sure the new TV you buy sucks.

Your lucky. My parents bought me a big mac for my 16th birthday


i agre whit #3 but another thing why do you shop at banana repluplic?

for my 20th birthday I got a whole bunch of stuff. Almost all of it was stuff I order months ago and never got. They took it, wrapped it, and gave it to me on my birthday. I sent countless angry e-mails saying I never got my merchandise.

nyuukou 0

Okay, that's illegal. That's theft. It also potentially falls under laws about opening mail that isn't yours if you live in the U.S.A. (those happen to be federal laws and I don't know how it works elsewhere). If anyone ever did that to me, I'd be talking to a lawyer.

I think it's the same in every country that has their civil rights pretty detailed. Of course, that doesn't mean that the law in every country that has this would actually act upon this. Some extremely family oriented countries like, say, Italy might think it's disrespectful and wouldn't do anything about this. Before anyone jumps at me, all this is based on assumptions. No clue if any of my info is actually correct.

Wow thats terrible... Did they actually think you wouldnt notice?? They should've just explained to you that money's tight and they couldn't get you anything.

Fyl? Just imagine, a young girl in Bangladesh probably made that shirt for 20 cents. **** her life, who cares about you.

2npac 0
ash92_fml 0

^win! he would hire a lawyer against his own parents?!

blkwhtrbbt 0

hahaha, and I thought my parents were bad about gifts!

ash92_fml 0

lol its not the shirt, its the fact his parents cared so much they found something he paid for and gave it to him. fail. loser.