By Rich - 25/02/2009 02:20 - United States

Today, my parents gave me a shirt from Banana Republic for my birthday. It looked like one I had bought for myself a couple of days earlier but I thanked them and went to hang it in my closet. An empty hanger hung where I placed the shirt I had purchased. They gave me my shirt for my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 117 114
You deserved it 5 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For their next birthday, steal their car keys and give it to them. Make sure you drive it all night so it has an empty tank of gasoline. Another thing you can do is buy them a new TV to replace the old one they lost. They'll say, what TV? And they'll see that you have staked claim to the old TV. Make sure the new TV you buy sucks.

Your lucky. My parents bought me a big mac for my 16th birthday


Jelise_fml 0

@those saying he deserved this or it's because of the recession - I don't think he deserved this unless their was a follow up of an explanation or a better gift, either way you look at it.

Honestly, this is totally unacceptable. Even if the family's extremely poor... Giving the OP her own stuff for a gift is a total jerk move. If they can't afford it, they should've told the OP. "I'm sorry, honey, but we can't afford a gift for you this year." FYL.

Farankusu 0

Not in this twisted reality. I ponder many many parents and children and teenager's callous actions towards each other. Some parents shouldn't be parents as the values some possess just don't possess any sense. However your entitled to your own views in life. some will agree and some won't. it's a part of human nature and life. someday it will change, to what I don't know.

nyseguy 0

I would be more upset at the fact that they thought you were that stupid.

BigC847 6

I know exactly what happened here! Happened to me when I was younger and living off my parents teats! You obviously used your mom or dads credit card to buy that shirt w/o permission, they found out, and gave you the shirt as a "present" since they had paid for it anyway. So you totally deserved it there champ!

miss101 3

i got noting for my 13 birthday. :s

itsalwaysYDI 0

Yeah, for my last birthday my parents didn't even give me anything :(

You deserved it for shopping at banana republic.