By missmirror - 02/05/2011 23:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my parents woke me up by pouring a glass of freezing cold water over my head. Their reason? They were 'bored'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 665
You deserved it 5 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hope you let them know paybacks a bitch!


carmilla15 0

my mom did that to me, but it also involved flower. She antique me because she didn't want me to be late again.

I would pitty my parents they would learn the phrase "CARAMAS A BITCH! "

gigi03 5

now known as the ASL ice bucket challenge

Mine once woke me up with water guns full of ice water at 2am. Anytime I came out from cover I got hit right in the face.

gatorgirl7563 22

You know what to do next time u get bored!!!