By pianonerd - 15/09/2009 06:16 - Canada

Today, my piano teacher told me that she "forgot" to inform me that she volunteered me to play a 5 page song in a recital in front of 300 people that's happening next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 937
You deserved it 3 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should get a few lessons from her without paying and then "forget" that you fired her.

Yeah, that's gonna be hard to pull of. But if you work hard and don't screw off, you could probably do it.


thefury 0

that's not a volunteer that's what we in the air force call a "voluntold" so don't do it and it's not your fault

learn to sight-read. it makes impromptu/last-minute recitals so much easier :)

same with me, ish. I can't read guitar music but memorize wha my teacher dies, yet the trumpet is fine

Tequila_Hilton 3

man up, it's not too bad. it would be bad if u couldn't have the sheet music to look at while you played.

bluemaizeman13 0

I agree with 96. five pages isn't a lot. and neither is three hundred people. my first piano recital had 1000 people when I was in third grade. my first band concert packed house 1500 suck it up. and if you can play the piano correctly you'll be fine.

jablair13 0

I wudve flipped out n killed her!

7 Page piece in front of 600 classical musicians on clarinet, at a master class and the piece is the most well known clarinet concerto ever written: Mozart Clarinet Concerto Movement 1. Less then a week warning plus it had to be memorized. And all my art teachers from my art school, and my clarinet teacher in the audience to "support me" and other students who I go to school with that are playing. Relax, your a musician, it's your job.

are you good and. fyl hahahhahahahha

If you don't want to do it as your afraid to stuff up, just the day before say you badly injured your fingers.

iBiteRoses 22

I'm sorry for all the people here bragging about all the stuff they've done to make you look shallow... they're dicks. I feel bad for you... I would never be able to do that, I have the worst stage fright.