By PrettyScared - 29/07/2013 15:07 - United States - Matthews

Today, my step-brother said to me, "If we weren't related I would fuck you so hard." Mom says I should "be grateful for such a nice compliment." FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 607
You deserved it 6 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boundaries exist for a reason. You need to set both him and your mom straight.


"If you weren't my step-brother, I'd murder you."

The movie "Teeth", anyone? Except he still did it to her and they were step-siblings...FYL, OP.

Thors_Hammer9999 17

I would request to move in with an aunt or a grandparent it possible if I was you

That is truly horrifying. You better set him straight OP.

was he hot? Heck, youre not blood related.

That's really creepy and I'd be really upset at my mom for condoning that creepy shit lol

this generation is so dammaged .. families members having insect sex like it's normal ..

So you're saying she should sex him up then tear off his head for nutrients for the hundreds of babies he'll implant in her?

smc3106 25

They're not having sex and IF they did, it wouldn't be incestuous, creepy and weird but that doesn't make it incestuous.

TheDrifter 23

Step sisters, no additional chance of genetic mutation in your offspring. However, he's really got to work on his pick up lines.

Do these kind of people disgusting seriously exist?

graceinsheepwear 33

I am curious to know if "Mom" is her biological mother or stepmother. I notice she did not say MY mom, just mom. In any case, I'd like to hear dad's take on it.