By hungry hungry harvey - 08/05/2016 16:56 - United States

Today, my wife is so determined to keep me on my diet that, as I'm off work for the next week, she has gotten rid of all the food in the house. She has also taken the phones and iPads so I can't order a takeaway, and taken all my trousers so I can't walk to the shops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 630
You deserved it 2 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Im pretty sure if u can access fml, u can order food online:)


Take one of your wife's skirts, and say it's a kilt

That sounds abusive and control-freaky. How are you going to eat without any food in the house?

takeittoem 8

If you really are that opposed to the diet, it's never going to work anyway, and your wife is ******' psycho. If you are really in favor of the diet, and you just have so little self-control that you actually agreed to this with your wife, then FYL indeed! So either way, FYL OP.

Shalnar 6
blackrose1996 11

I'd walk to the damn store In boxers your an adult tell her to treat you like one

The last sentence of this made the whole story so much better.

If I were you, I'd seriously reconsider my marriage. If there's one thing I hate, it's being treated like a child. And it sounds like you aren't too keen on it either. Honestly, this behavior can even be abusive in some circumstances, so it might be worthwhile to think long and hard about it. I hope by "all the food" you don't mean literally all of the food because if so that is definitely abusive. Wish you luck.