By Husband to be....maybe - 09/06/2018 09:00

Today, I found out I was allergic to bees, the hard way, at my wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 413
You deserved it 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Donut_Wizard 23
manb91uk 22

But your wife got her custom bridesmaids dress right??


oh wow! What a buzzkill. Hive not had it happen to me but I'm sure it stings. You feel like you're flying, about to see your honey and do some pollinating with her and get beezy and then something like that happens and you deflate you've been punctured. serious though, I can't imagine how you must feel OP. that really sucks, I hope you were still able to get married. or at least rearrange.

manb91uk 22

But your wife got her custom bridesmaids dress right??

His wife would be in the wedding gown, not the brides maid dress...

manb91uk 22

*facepalm* you missed the one from earlier, didn't you?

In her defense, if on a mobile device, the “latest” FML comes up first. Gotta scroll down to see the earlier ones.

It's really not that bad. Despite it all, I'm sure you and your wife will always bee together.

Donut_Wizard 23

Was that because your bride was wearing a giant bumblebee costume since her previous apartment complex stole her dress? And you had your tonsils removed?

Did he do that? Three relevant meta-comments in reply to a one sentence story? It’s like an Alex Ovechkin hat trick!

Lobby_Bee 17

You must have a sweetheart. Sweet enough to attract bees!

Most people throw rice. To each his own.

FishyFishy 12

Well that must have stung!