By FMAhole - 12/02/2019 12:18 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, while at the office, a surprise Valentine's gift arrived for me, the first I've ever received. It was a box of heart-shaped cookies. From my mother. I'm 39. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 729
You deserved it 4 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's a little embarrassing but it's sweet that she thought of you


I would do anything to get one of my parents to do that for me. What's so bad about it..?

nitrog100 21

I can see how that would suck. The first time you ever received a surprise gift on Valentine's Day, it happens past your prime and it turns out it came from your mother.

That's tge true essence of valentine's day. Love .. and it doesn't have to be your partner. I guess people are forgetting that nowadays.

enjoy it. take it from someone who just lost their mom. they won't be around forever. I'm sure you'd rather get one from a sweetheart but your mom loves you.

Seriously? That is the sweetest thing ever. At least someone cares about you, quit looking for pity and be thankful.

Charles900 16

I know you'd rather give one from a girlfriend, but at least she cares about you. Just take the gift in the way it was intended.

brendejafulable 41

At least u got something. I got nothing :I

That's ok! At least you got something! That was sweet of her