By FMAhole - 12/02/2019 12:18 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, while at the office, a surprise Valentine's gift arrived for me, the first I've ever received. It was a box of heart-shaped cookies. From my mother. I'm 39. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 729
You deserved it 4 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's a little embarrassing but it's sweet that she thought of you


ouijacorn 9

You're never too old for cookies from your mom.

nityasomaiya 46

Well, be glad you're getting cookies. We have to beg our parents for those...

doglady 16

Aw, but that's kinda sweet. I wish my mom were still alive, she always did thoughtful things like that.

doglady 16

Aw, that's kinda sweet. Wish my mom was still alive, she always did kind and thoughtful things like that. --oops, sorry for the duplicate. Duh.

I would personally be touched by that if it happened to me. That's so sweet?

Be thankful, asshole. She could be dead.