By x_udontknowme_x - 05/01/2011 16:41 - United States

Today, while I was out of the office, I'd left my phone charging inside. My boss informed me that since I am clearly running up her electricity bill, it will be deducted out of my already nearly non existent paycheck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 327
You deserved it 4 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

roaminginsomniac 0

Find another job. She is Clearly too stupid for you to work for. She can't take it out of your check. It's not legal.

knibbsy 4

How will your boss know the exact cost your cell phone added to the bill? Shank your boss in the parking lot. Now.


tykiej 0

Make me think about a Malcolm in the Middle episode, where Francis is working in Alaska with the worst boss ever haha :)

Ummmm, deducting your check for any reason is illegal btw.

To charge you, the boss needs to show that your phone used the amount of energy he's claiming. Since that is nigh impossible, he can't charge you.

Based on the estimates of 1/10th of a cent, hand over the penny and ask for change, and a receipt. If she won't give you change, tell her you'll be bringing your phone in to charge at work for the next two weeks. Alternatively, quit.

It's illegal for the boss to charge you for electricity. It is however, perfectly legal for her to fire you for stealing company resources and company supplied electricity IS a resource. It was probably just an empty threat but if she is serious then you need to quit and get a different job.