By Anonymous - 21/12/2009 08:29 - United States

Today, while my boyfriend was sleeping, I got naked and sat on top of him. He woke up and I asked him if he would rather stay awake or go back to sleep, in hopes that he would stay awake and want to do some naughty stuff with me. His response? To grab my butt, and then go back to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 319
You deserved it 19 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he was tired, give him a break, at least he grabbed ur ass before sleeping!

what would you do if he woke you up to have sex?


pwnman 33

Your a disgusting lady. Give him a break!!

Wanting to have sex makes her disgusting? Really?

That reminds me of the scene in Wedding Crashers where Gloria ties Jeremy down and gets naked and sits on him

Swiggity swooty coming for that boot- nah