By Scarred - 04/09/2009 05:15 - United States

Today, while riding in the car with my friends, we stopped at a red light. To our left, a very obese, middle aged man slowly unbuttoned his shirt and spread it out. He then stared at us while massaging his nipples with his thumb and index fingers for the duration of the red light. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 976
You deserved it 5 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And people told me my reverse tinted windows were a bad idea...

Bwahahahahahaha, thats so awesome, the obese guy is instantly my favourite person in the world. Also FYL indeed, even if i think what the guy did is brilliant :P


Wow and you were totally watching this prev massage his man boobs gd for u you could look away you know!

Wait, you're saying it's normal for gross, fat guys to be acting like disgusting perverts around you in public? Well, it's a good sign that either OP or her friends are attractive, but I still definately think her life is ******. Who really *wants* to see that? He needs to keep it to himself. Ew.

OP is listed as a guy. Which makes this even funnier, IMHO.

ghostgirll 0

that's weird, on the FML website it says OP is a man, but when you click on the FML it changes to woman.

Awesome_Guy2468 0

Lucky you! People pay to see that kinda stuff!

Are you sure it was a man? Were you anywhere in the vicinity of a Victoria's Secret? There have been reports of manly women hanging out there. Talk about scarred for life.

That's what I was going to suggest. We've had several posts lately about women being mistaken for men. Gee, and to think the OP could have got lucky.

And people told me my reverse tinted windows were a bad idea...

we...we didn't listen....WE DIDN'T LISTEN!!!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!

Bwahahahahahaha, thats so awesome, the obese guy is instantly my favourite person in the world. Also FYL indeed, even if i think what the guy did is brilliant :P

ISeeStarsBitchh 0

Bahaha. Ditttooo. That dude is pure genius. This fml pretty much made my night...maybe even my week =]

might not be a pretty sight, but why is this an fml?

So you're saying you WANT to see this happen... good to know... about YOU.

Trollkiller 0

looks Luke somebody got free live Porno ! I bet u enjoyed the fat man trying to woo u.